While our childcare centers are terrific learning environments, they are also places for lots of fun. 五月 was a month filled with celebrations. Davis Street has always recognized how important our teachers are in creating the best child development centers on the planet. Teacher Appreciation Week was 五月 8 – 12. At our Jefferson Center, we celebrated Teachers Marina, Christina, Kanika, Annie, Haimin, and Raquel, who were all presented with small tokens each day of Teacher Appreciation Week in recognition of their dedication. At our Garfield Center, Teachers Angel, Janice and Jenny were also celebrated with lots of families showering them with treats, selfies, high fives, notes of thanks and flowers; many, many flowers.
Our preschoolers are learning about Hispanic culture and Mexican artist, Frida Khalo. They celebrated Cinco de Mayo and Dia Del Nino (Day of the Child). Then, a few days later, our kids celebrated Mother’s Day in two cultures: El Dia de Las Madres (Mexican Mother’s Day – 五月 10th) and Mother’s Day (五月 14th).
Sheila Langham, Jefferson Center Director
The Garfield Center did a complete Spring cleanup of their garden to get ready for Spring and Summer planting of flowers, fruits and vegetables. The children are all very excited about their garden, and can’t wait to pull weeds and turn soil. The next step will be planting.
Our preschoolers are working on writing their names – first and last – and also learning their parents’ full names in case of an emergency. Our kids love books, and have been enjoying storytelling, learning about the different parts of the book (for example, the spine, the front and back covers) and they learned what a writer does and what an illustrator does. We are planting the seeds of a love of learning in all of our children.
Jennifer Ralph, Garfield Center Director