Back to School Program – DRIVE THRU
Backpack, School Supplies and Shoes Distribution
Davis Street Back to School distribution with take place on August 14, 2021 as a drive-thru pickup with all safety measures and protocols in place guided by the CDC and Alameda County Public Health Department. New backpacks, school supplies, and pairs of tennis shoes will be distributed to 500 pre-registered families in need.
Every summer, Davis Street helps students kindergarten through 12th grade get ready for school with brand new tennis shoes and new backpacks filled with school supplies. This program is available free of charge on a first sign-up basis to income eligible families in the San Leandro and Eden area. Backpack and shoe distribution typically takes place during our Annual Health Fair.
Davis Street’s Annual Health Fair is a free event for everyone in the community. Our Health Fair highlights all of Davis Street services, as well as the services of 25 local community organizations. The event includes a fresh produce giveaway, clinic tours, blood pressure checks, health education, bike raffles, children’s activity area, games, music, and a complimentary lunch, all for free! If you are a community organization, please stay tuned for future ways to participate.