Women’s Health

Davis Street gave me peace of mind and I'm very very happy for that.

Client of Davis Street's Primary Care Clinic

Full OB/GYN care from adolescence through elder years.

Davis Street Women’s Health Services provides full OBGYN care including: reproductive health services, pregnancy tests, STD tests, STD care, rapid HIV screening, PrEP and HIV treatment, annual pap exams, birth control, pregnancy care, prenatal care, and preventive screenings. Our integrated, whole-person approach means that you can also receive general medical care, dentistry and behavioral health services at Davis Street.

As a Federally Qualified Health Center, we accept Medicaid, Medi-Cal, Medicare, Denti-Cal, many private insurance plans (Alameda Alliance, Anthem Blue Cross, Blue Shield of CA, Health Pac) and self-pay patients on a sliding scale fee (based on ability to pay). Our medical staff is bilingual and strives to provide care in your own language whenever possible.

Women’s Health services include:

Birth control
OB-GYN check-ups
STD tests and care
Pregnancy care
Menopause care
Referrals for mammograms and other diagnostic tests


3081 Teagarden Street
San Leandro

Clinic Hours

Monday through Friday
8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Getting to Davis Street

We are served by Stop #4 on the South Loop San Leandro LINKS, free shuttle route. If you drive, we have ample free onsite parking.

Our mother and child program services include:

  • Client orientation to comprehensive perinatal services
  • Initial assessment, trimester reassessments, postpartum assessment, interventions, and follow-up services in:
Health education
Psychosocial services
Individual case coordination
Prenatal vitamin/mineral supplements
Nutrition program (WIC)
Genetic screening
Dental care
Family planning
Pediatric care
Domestic violence, and more.

Make an appointment.

Make an in-person or telehealth appointment now. If you are an existing Davis Street Clinic patient, you can access your information on our Patient Portal.

Paying for care.

We accept many private insurance plans, Medicaid, Medicare and self-pay patients on a sliding scale. Go view a list of the types of insurance we accept.

Need more information? We’re here for you!

Call Us At

extension 400

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By working at Davis Street, you will be doing good, while doing fulfilling work.

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