Annual Health Fair – CANCELLED
Davis Street’s Annual Health Fair on August 14, 2021, is cancelled due to the rise in COVID-19 Delta Variant cases for the safety of all families, clients, staff, and volunteers.
Davis Street hosts an annual health fair for everyone in the community. Our health fair highlights all Davis Street services, as well as the services of 25 local community organizations. At the health fair, you can get your blood pressure checked, receive a dental exam, find out about flu shots, and get information about other important services. Everything is free of charge. If you are a community organization, sign up here to participate. Due to COVID-19, our health fair may be a drive-through event.
Davis Street’s Annual Health Fair is a free event for everyone in the community. Our Health Fair highlights all of Davis Street services, as well as the services of 25 local community organizations. The event includes a fresh produce giveaway, clinic tours, blood pressure checks, health education, bike raffles, children’s activity area, games, music, and a complimentary lunch, all for free! If you are a community organization, please stay tuned for future ways to participate.