Rose's Retirement Celebration

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Presenting Sponsor


  • 20 Tickets
  • Recognized as single Presenting sponsor for the event on all Davis Street media materials previewing and follow-on event and communications
  • Recognized in event program and signage
  • Recognition in local media outlets
  • Full page ad in event program
  • Event speaking opportunity
  • Additional partnership public appearances/profile

Legacy Sponsor


  • 20 Tickets
  • Recognized as participating sponsor for the event on all Davis Street media materials previewing and follow-on event communications
  • Recognized in event program and signage
  • Recognition in local media outlets
  • ½ page add in event program
  • Event speaking opportunity

Impact Sponsor


  • 10 Tickets
  • Recognized as participating sponsor for the event on all Davis Street media materials previewing and follow-on event communications
  • Recognized in event program and signage
  • Recognition in local media outlets
  • ¼ page add in event program

Community Sponsor


  • 6 Tickets
  • Recognized as participating sponsor for the event on all Davis Street media materials previewing and follow-on event communications
  • Recognized in event program and signage
  • Recognition in local media outlets

Local Sponsor


  • 6 Tickets
  • Recognized as participating sponsor for the event on all Davis Street media materials previewing and follow-on event communications
  • Recognized in event program and signage

Friend Sponsor


  • 4 Tickets
  • Recognized as participating sponsor for the event on all Davis Street media materials previewing and follow-on event communications
  • Recognized in event program and signage

Admirer Sponsor


  • Recognized as participating sponsor for the event on all Davis Street media materials previewing and follow-on event communications
  • Recognized in event program and signage

To find out more information or to purchase sponsorship packages over the phone, please contact Reed Milnes.

(510) 347-4620x 131